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Work Drugs "Nervous Night"

Robert Rackley
Robert Rackley
1 min read
Work Drugs "Nervous Night"

Work Drugs bring their smooth yacht rock to this video of a girl wandering around a city. There are trips to the zoo, rides on public transport and shopping excursions. The full city tour culminates in a pleasant snow as the subject walks around with headphones on. She's in her own world with so many people around. It's the perfect picture of how everyone being lost in their heads makes a city so open to unimpeded ambulatory exploration. Pedestrians are just going about their business.

The chorus is strong on this track, with the male/female vocals harmonizing really well. I love the way the female vocals trail those of the lead singer by just a bit. The lyrics are relatable, with "it's been another nervous night" capping out the chorus. Everyone knows how those nights feel.

Friday Night VideoNoise

Robert Rackley

Orthodox Christian, aspiring minimalist and paper airplane mechanic.


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