The blessing and the curse of a technology enabled planet.
Engaging Your Readers
How do you get readers to pay for your writing online?

An Argument for Blog Portability
How much will readers be impacted if you move your blog?

A new podcast adjunct to a popular feed reader gets it right.

Arc Welder
A new browser makes the case for why it stands out from the pack.

Rotten Apple
The punishment for being an Apple user.

Reading It Later
Settling on an app to actively consume web content on an ereader.

Less Is More
The online discourse has made it difficult to keep up a digest style newsletter. It's time to shift course.

Cashing In My Chips
My first thought when read (at the end of a long day of work) that Elon Musk had purchased Twitter, was some measure of disbelief. I'm almost embarrassed to admit the second thought that popped into my head after reading the news. Yep, it is definitely with some

The Slide from Epistemic Bubble to Echo Chamber
We are trees rooted alongside each other, and tearing up the roots of one tree threatens to encroach on the rootedness of another.

Buzzing Towards Babylon
Blogging platforms are changing, many for the worse, but there are plenty of good options out there.