Christianity as counterculture.
Populations In The Lurch
The common bonds that held us together are dissolving and this is having a huge effect on population growth and mental health.

Imprecatory Prayer
I had never come across the phrase "imprecatory prayer" until recently, even if I knew well what it meant. In fact, I have struggled with the concept. The Got Questions site begins to answer the question of what imprecatory prayer is by defining imprecatory. To imprecate means “to

Beating Monsters With The Cross
A trip back to church and a new book convinced me to spend more time teaching my son about Christ.

Elevator Pitch Beliefs
Steven Colbert does an amazing job summarizing the foundations of his belief in two minutes, but that doesn’t satisfy everyone.

Repairing the Cracks (kintsugi style)
Sometimes, I feel like I need to stop ruminating on the "deep cleavages in American society," as this piece from the Bush Institute refers to them. I wonder if it would be helpful to remember the turbulence of the sixties, just to have some frame of reference for

Exchanging the Truth For Lies
When people admit they want to be lied to just to have a counter-narrative, it makes me scratch my head.

Learning Prayer From Cartoon Bears
When my oldest was younger, we used to read a Berenstain Bears book about prayer. While the books about these anthropomorphic bears are designed to be simple lessons for kids, the particular angles in this book struck me deeply. The take on prayer was nuanced and mature. In the book

You Are Not Your Own
The radio started when I turned on the ignition. NPR had been playing from when my wife drove the car before me. A guy was shrilly complaining about filling out paperwork for getting a vasectomy and being told that his wife also had to sign. He was livid and kept

The Resemblance is Uncanny
A couple of years ago, I compared contemporary Christians who expressed their desire for an authoritarian ruler to the ancient Islrealites who wished for a king. In both instances, the groups had lost faith in God to protect them and wanted to rely on a strong man. In the biblical

Tough Love
Mars Hill Church reveled in being Christian the manly way.