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Going After Spotify

Jess Weatherbed writes for The Verge about members of the European Parliament targeting Spotify with regulations to make sure European music is well represented and that artists are compensated more fairly. The proposition was made to ensure European musical works are accessible and avoid being overshadowed by the “overwhelming amount”

Sacred Time

As I headed to Divine Liturgy yesterday morning, I was glad to be able to participate in sacred time. The ability to set aside time for worship and repentant reflection has clear benefits for the soul. Elizabeth Oldfield writes about Keeping Sacred Time for Comment Magazine. Rowan Williams says that

Sacred Time

Connection Vs. Isolation

I've been fascinated by the idea that the opposite of addiction is connection since I first heard about it. It seems to be a transformative paradigm shift in terms of how we think about addiction and treatment. This piece by Robert Weiss details some of the research that

Connection Vs. Isolation


It was getting dangerously close to the end of the year, and I still hadn't picked out a favorite track from 2023, if only for my own contemplation, even if not for publication. This week, though, I finally listened to Daydreamer by Molly Burch, which came out in


All Over By Xmas

The first band you think of when you think of Christmas music is probably not Ladytron. Then again, they have the icy synths, vocals that are enveloped by frosted echoes and wintertime themes. So maybe, while they are most definitely not Christmas music, their sound is appropriate this time of

All Over By Xmas

Vol. 1 - Issue No. 1

How your website reflects the kind of poetry you are, Meta doesn't need to federate to get your data, Arc browsing for Windows, Kiss goes immortal, you are an icon and replacing your friends.

Hotline TNT - Protocol

Cartwheel, the new album by Hotline TNT on Jack White's Third Man Records, has the distinction of being one of Pitchfork Media's picks for best new music. While I'm not always in sync with the writers of that particular publication on what's

Hotline TNT - Protocol

What Would It Take?

How far would Elon Musk have to go before people of good conscience decide to exit his platform?

What Would It Take?

Nevermind The Mainstream

Ted Gioia writes about the battle between macroculture and microculture. ChatGPT makes the distinction between the two cultures: In essence, macroculture represents the dominant cultural framework of a society, while microcultures are the distinct subgroups with their own customs and values existing within that broader framework. Gioia believes microculture is

Nevermind The Mainstream

Surburban Solutions

At the beginning of this year, I went through a bit of a thought experiment. I imagined that I had the power to call forth a new album from any band of my choice. What band would I choose? The two names that came foremost to mind were Wild Nothing

Surburban Solutions