I’ve loved the fourth track on the Small Black record, Limits of Desire ever since the album was released over a decade ago. It was a clear standout, a highly stylized, dreamy ode to a woman who could probably be described as a “free spirit.” The song is based
When our beliefs are defined by our consumption, almost anything can become an object of worship.

Parallel Play
Lately, when my wife and I are both on our iPads, she watching Law & Order reruns and me reading blogs, I’ve been thinking about the concept of parallel play. Parallel play is something kids do during a certain stage of development. Parallel play is a form of play
Blessings Unbound
What does the Pope's pronouncement on blessings mean to those it most affects?
The New Aggregators
The speed at which interest in new feed aggregator apps has picked up steam shows how desperate people are to put the pieces of their digital lives together in some meaningful way.
Blame Me
This video for the song “Blame Me” by Bathe Alone is described as a “short film.” It’s full of symbolism depicting the recent dissolution of singer/instrumentalist Bailey Crone’s marriage, with the gleeful destruction of wedding props including the recognizable and iconic white dress. The lyrics to the
Jane Penny, the frontwoman for TOPS is following in the footsteps of her bandmate Marta Cikojevic (aka Marci) and releasing a solo EP. The song features the satiny smooth vocals we’ve come to expect from Ms. Penny. I can’t confirm, but I would assume the music was composed

Pitchfork Scales Back
Spencer Kornhaber covers the merger of Pitchfork with GQ for The Atlantic. Yesterday, Condé Nast’s chief content officer, Anna Wintour, announced plans to merge Pitchfork into the men’s magazine GQ. “This decision was made after a careful evaluation of Pitchfork’s performance and what we believe is the