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Robert Rackley

Orthodox Christian, aspiring minimalist and paper airplane mechanic.

Selling It

Though I’ve been experimenting with different blogging platforms lately (even some of the infernal static site generators), I think I’ve pretty much settled on using Ghost. Not that I’m blogging much lately, mostly due to the lack of mental capacity after I’ve done all the knowledge

Manning Fireworks

There has been a flood of positive press about MJ Lenderman the last couple of years. The buzz has only gotten louder since the release of his most recent album, Manning Fireworks. I got to see Lenderman perform Manning Fireworks, in full, on the day that it released in September.

Manning Fireworks

The Christian Dissonance

I’ve known for a long time how Donald Trump’s hateful rhetoric can affect people. One of the first incidences of the impact of his speech was when, at the beginning of his last successful presidential campaign, two men beat a homeless Mexican man they thought was an immigrant

The Return of the Discman

I don’t really feel like a gadget guy anymore. I don’t get hot and bothered by the newest origami laptops and I skip past the thousands of posts about the latest iPhone model in my feed reader. But man, I love music and have to admit to a

The Return of the Discman

The Mouse House Redux

Changes to Disney World have me rethinking making any future plans to visit the park.

A still of Mickey Mouse piloting a steamboat from the animated movie Steamboat Willie.

Triple Seven

The new album from Wishy is an impressive debut that wears its influences well.

Triple Seven

A Different Perspective

Another account of Len Riggio, the longtime head of Barnes & Noble.

A Different Perspective

The Blogging Learning Curve

My favorite blogging platform, Blot, seems to be defunct. There are major issues with template editing. When I try to edit a template on my iPad, the device heats up, gives me a browser error and then reloads the page. Numerous users have reported that the Google Drive integration is

The Blogging Learning Curve

Noble Oak - Eveningstar

Recently, a friend on Mastodon asked followers about their first cassette purchase. I had no trouble recollecting getting Starship's Knee Deep In The Hoopla when I was in the fourth grade as my introduction to the world of music on tape. I wore that tape out playing the

One Actress And A Melon

The creative forces behind Ginger Root have a concept for a show featuring one actress (it's all they had the budget for). Their Japanese protagonist changes looks and activities often to keep people of the world glued to their sets. In the end, it seems, what suits her

One Actress And A Melon