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All Over By Xmas

Robert Rackley
Robert Rackley
1 min read
All Over By Xmas

The first band you think of when you think of Christmas music is probably not Ladytron. Then again, they have the icy synths, vocals that are enveloped by frosted echoes and wintertime themes. So maybe, while they are most definitely not Christmas music, their sound is appropriate this time of year. "All Over By Xmas" is really more for completionists, but the chorus did get stuck in my head after a single listen, so it's a pretty catchy tune.

Technically, this is not really a video so much as it's a visualizer. A little grace is warranted during the holiday season, though. Enjoy.

Via Space Echo

NoiseFriday Night Video

Robert Rackley

Orthodox Christian, aspiring minimalist and paper airplane mechanic.


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