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The blessing and the curse of a technology enabled planet.

Hey Hey Hey, Goodbye

Though I love the service, I have canceled my HEY email account. I’m not happy about it, but I am pretty sure it’s the right thing to do. The founders have been saying things I’ve been critical of for some time, but it has reached the point

A Custom Collection

A few years ago, my wife’s company had a get together at CAMRaleigh, the modern art museum. After some mingling, the boys and I camped out in the staff offices. The desk where I sat had numerous pictures of Karl Lagerfeld. I might have felt a little uncomfortable at


Chris Butler writes about the words he chooses not to publish online and that end up in his unpublishable.txt file. The Unpublishable file is filled with half-formed critiques of the systems I work within, questions about the ethical implications of design decisions I’ve helped implement, and doubts about

Dell Charm

PC manufacturers keep their models low profile to ensure it’s harder to find problematic patterns among them.

The Revenge of Googie

Anna Kodé has a piece in the New York Times (gift article) about the early Space Age Googie style of architecture. The article is filled with eye candy and visual delights from the style, some prominent artifacts of which were still around when I was young. It brings a tremendous

A car wash sign in the Googie style.

The Spotify Problem

Brandon Lucas Green writes about Spotify from an indie musician’s perspective and his piece contains some useful insights. Green points out that the service is a much better value proposition for musicians who are already popular and on major labels. Artists living in a late-stage capitalist society (ie. basically

Analogue Grand Diary

Maybe it’s early to be making New Year’s resolutions, or perhaps you don’t even believe in setting stretch goals just because the calendar changes. It seems that many have eschewed this once formerly popular habit. I confess that I have waxed and waned in my observance of

Selling It

Though I’ve been experimenting with different blogging platforms lately (even some of the infernal static site generators), I think I’ve pretty much settled on using Ghost. Not that I’m blogging much lately, mostly due to the lack of mental capacity after I’ve done all the knowledge

The Return of the Discman

I don’t really feel like a gadget guy anymore. I don’t get hot and bothered by the newest origami laptops and I skip past the thousands of posts about the latest iPhone model in my feed reader. But man, I love music and have to admit to a

The Return of the Discman

The Blogging Learning Curve

My favorite blogging platform, Blot, seems to be defunct. There are major issues with template editing. When I try to edit a template on my iPad, the device heats up, gives me a browser error and then reloads the page. Numerous users have reported that the Google Drive integration is

The Blogging Learning Curve