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Christianity as counterculture.

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The Spirits of Chaos

Addressing current events can feel a bit like grabbing a live wire these days. Hold on too tight or too long and you could be harmed. The ground under us is ever shifting and allegiances are volatile. In recognition of this, I'm sharing a homily that my priest,

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Condor Sparks

This quote from Teresa of Ávila resonates strongly with me. Why is it that some days, even calamities just roll off your back and others, reading the slightest negativity in body language from a person with whom you are interacting can throw you off your game? What is different about

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Babyland General

In the Eastern Orthodox Church, we celebrated Pascha a few weeks ago. I wondered how many of the parish faithful would be drawn to our middle-of-the-night celebration. It turns out, pretty much all of them. Even my friend, whose wife had twins earlier in the day, came to the Pascha

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Your Analyst Was A Placekicker For The Falcons

Examining the attempts to replace religious observances with secular equivalents.

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Borderline Savings Time

The shifts in some of the most prominent Christian cultures in the U.S. have been disturbing.

Borderline Savings Time
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Community Versus The Individual

A film review brings a nuanced and thoughtful analysis of changing cultural standards about the role of communities in our lives.

Community Versus The Individual
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Blessings Unbound

What does the Pope's pronouncement on blessings mean to those it most affects?

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The Darkness of AI

Casey Shutt considers an article on AI by Paul Kingsnorth for Mere Orthodoxy. Kingsnorth sees demonic forces at play within technological advancement in general and AI in specific. Shutt expands upon the concerns expressed by Kingsnorth in his own piece. He hones in on the sense of real foreboding that

The Darkness of AI
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Sacred Time

As I headed to Divine Liturgy yesterday morning, I was glad to be able to participate in sacred time. The ability to set aside time for worship and repentant reflection has clear benefits for the soul. Elizabeth Oldfield writes about Keeping Sacred Time for Comment Magazine. Rowan Williams says that

Sacred Time
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Disappointment and Modernity

Fr. Stephen Freeman writes about the modern condition in a way that resonates with me and what I've witnessed in my lifetime. I think we are often disappointed that God refuses to behave as the god of modernity. The extremes of the “prosperity” preachers are only the most

Disappointment and Modernity