Christianity as counterculture.
Non-standard Sunflower
The election is, whether mercifully or unmercifully, in the rearview mirror. Like some others, I want to turn my attention away from the day’s news, so closely coupled as it is with political events. Before I read about Kid Rock being appointed ambassador to the U.N., I mean
The More Things Change
What are we to make of claims that we are part of a civilization in collapse?
The Christian Dissonance
I’ve known for a long time how Donald Trump’s hateful rhetoric can affect people. One of the first incidences of the impact of his speech was when, at the beginning of his last successful presidential campaign, two men beat a homeless Mexican man they thought was an immigrant
The Spirits of Chaos
Addressing current events can feel a bit like grabbing a live wire these days. Hold on too tight or too long and you could be harmed. The ground under us is ever shifting and allegiances are volatile. In recognition of this, I'm sharing a homily that my priest,
Condor Sparks
This quote from Teresa of Ávila resonates strongly with me. Why is it that some days, even calamities just roll off your back and others, reading the slightest negativity in body language from a person with whom you are interacting can throw you off your game? What is different about
Babyland General
In the Eastern Orthodox Church, we celebrated Pascha a few weeks ago. I wondered how many of the parish faithful would be drawn to our middle-of-the-night celebration. It turns out, pretty much all of them. Even my friend, whose wife had twins earlier in the day, came to the Pascha
Your Analyst Was A Placekicker For The Falcons
Examining the attempts to replace religious observances with secular equivalents.
Borderline Savings Time
The shifts in some of the most prominent Christian cultures in the U.S. have been disturbing.

Community Versus The Individual
A film review brings a nuanced and thoughtful analysis of changing cultural standards about the role of communities in our lives.

Blessings Unbound
What does the Pope's pronouncement on blessings mean to those it most affects?