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Film School "Isla"

New songs from Film School set the stage for their upcoming album.

Robert Rackley
Robert Rackley
1 min read
Film School "Isla"

Film School just dropped a single for "Isla," from their upcoming album We Weren't Here (9/24). Their Bandcamp page describes the song as "is perfect, washed out, glimmering pool side hazy ease." In other words, just right for summer. The track is a departure from their typical sound, and brings to mind Wild Nothing, and even some of their influences, such as Fleetwood Mac and Roxy Music.

"Superperfection" starts awash in feedback and guitar noise. The reverb and distortion pedals are put to good use on this song, which sounds more in line with the typical shoegaze we're used to from Film School. The chorus reminds us of "wild times" while the laconic delivery suggests anything but. Perhaps the morning after.


Robert Rackley

Orthodox Christian, aspiring minimalist and paper airplane mechanic.


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