Everything Old Is New Again

I was delighted to find out yesterday that one of my favorite EPs from 30 years ago, long out of print, was available on Bandcamp. I loved Peter from Eric’s Trip, but even when it was current, it was hard to obtain. I’m somewhat ashamed to admit that I ripped my friend’s copy to burn on a CD, a practice I was totally against, but felt I had no other choice. Now the band’s Rick White is releasing his archive through the indie music service.

Eric's Trip - PETER LP. (1992 recordings) by Rick White Archive

It turns out I’m not the only one with nostalgia for the fuzzed out lofi from these Canadians. The album My Anti-Aircraft Friend by LA outfit Julie earned an 8.1 score in Pitchfork’s review with nothing less than a full validation of the Eric’s Trip sound. Though the reviewer, Matthew Schnipper, writes quite a bit about Sonic Youth, those of us who were around in the 90s know of more immediate reference points.1

Compare the second song from My Anti-Aircraft Friend. “Tenebrist” with the Eric’s Trip song “Sunlight” from their debut album Love Tara. The post-classic nasal drip vocals with guitar effects ripped from grunge and lurching dynamics that could put you in a neck brace all match here.

It’s gratifying to see the nostalgia for 90s inspired sounds in the same way that we saw a reverence for 80s music a little over a decade ago.

Eric's Trip

Rick White Archive | Bandcamp

  1. To be fair, Eric’s Trip was named after the Sonic Youth song from Daydream Nation. ↩︎